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84 от 85


The Chairpanzee is a clever invention by Christopher Schwarz, the internationally renowned woodworking expert. The analogue computer enables the correct calculation of drilling and sighting angles for a chair’s legs and spindles. It is...
22,50 €


Артикульный номер 714509

Die Kunst des Schneidens

Die Kunst des Schneidens

In this book, Japanese master chefs share and reveal their secrets about how to cleverly prepare fish and vegetables - the cornerstones of Japanese cuisine. Suitable for professionals and ambitious amateur chefs, this book will fascinate...
39,90 €


Артикульный номер 710048

Работы с деревом

Работы с деревом

Эта удивительно практичная книга предназначена для всех, кто хочет сбалансировать свою повседневную работу с расслабляющим хобби - деревообработкой. Работа с деревом бросит вам вызов, стимулирует и расслабит вас. Вы будете гордиться...
19,99 €


Артикульный номер 729975

Практическая оценка дичи - быстрый и успешный сбыт мяса дичи

Практическая оценка дичи - быстрый и успешный сбыт мяса дичи

Обучение охоте заканчивается на гигиене дичи, охотник и специалист по активному отдыху Карстен Боте начинает именно с этого и предлагает ценные советы по успешному маркетингу дичи для всех охотников в этом удивительно практичном и...
16,99 €


Артикульный номер 729976

Das Messerbuch, Outdoor, Jagd- und Freizeitmesser

Das Messerbuch, Outdoor, Jagd- und Freizeitmesser

Knives were one of the first tools to have been invented and have accompanied mankind for thousands of years. Nowadays, there is a wide variety of knife types that have been developed for a wide range of applications. Knife expert Jörg...
25,00 €


Артикульный номер 730788

HolzWerken, Kumiko

HolzWerken, Kumiko

Kumiko is a delicate and sophisticated Japanese art created by assembling small wooden pieces into beautiful patterns. The author offers step-by-step instructions for 10 patterns, with a level of detail that cannot be found in print...
32,00 €


Артикульный номер 729953

HolzWerken - Werkstatt-Kurs Blickfang Holz

HolzWerken - Werkstatt-Kurs Blickfang Holz

Setting an accent with your own furniture project, catching the eye, creating and designing unusual wood surfaces - this is the subject of this video course. In addition to the basics, such as repairing wood defects, surface protection...
29,90 €


Артикульный номер 729954

Mit Hammer & Nagel

Mit Hammer & Nagel

Build wooden furniture yourself - with the simplest of tools and materials. Inspired by a DIY icon: Designs based on the principles of the Italian designer Enzo Mari. This book is not only aimed at experienced cabinetmakers. The projects...
28,00 €


Артикульный номер 730787

Bock auf Wild - Wildrezepte authentisch und lecker

Bock auf Wild - Wildrezepte authentisch und lecker

The ultimate cookbook for hunters and game lovers. Game is sustainable because it is produced regionally and seasonally, and it promises healthy and unadulterated indulgence. Be inspired by authentic game cuisine and get out into nature...
25,00 €


Артикульный номер 730794

Drückjagd - von der perfekten Vorbereitung bis zum Jagdkönig

Drückjagd - von der perfekten Vorbereitung bis zum Jagdkönig

What was the battue in the 1980s is driven hunting today. In contrast to declining small game populations, it is cloven-hoofed game and mainly the sows that have taken over many hunting grounds. However, roe deer, red deer and fallow...
19,99 €


Артикульный номер 730795

Охотничьи традиции и язык охотников

Охотничьи традиции и язык охотников

Для многих поколений охотников труд Вальтера Фреверта был стандартом и руководством во всех вопросах охотничьих обычаев и охотничьего самовыражения. Будь то на социальной охоте, на "Schüsseltreiben" или просто в беседе с другими...
20,00 €


Артикульный номер 730792

Der Drilling, Band 1

Der Drilling, Band 1

The Drilling (side by side shotgun, with rifle barrel centred below the smoothbores) is a universal weapon ensuring the hunter always has the right weapon by their side. This volume, in an elegant slipcase, offers everything worth...
49,95 €


Артикульный номер 730796

Die Doppelbüchse, Band 2

Die Doppelbüchse, Band 2

The Doppelbüchse (side by side shotgun-rifle) is the traditional rifle for driven hunts. Its big advantage is having a second shot available immediately. The elegant rifle is therefore used all over the world, especially for hunting...
49,95 €


Артикульный номер 730797

Die Flinte, Band 4

Die Flinte, Band 4

The Flinte (shotgun) is the most widely used hunting weapon in the world. Yet the shotgun also makes a very useful piece of sports equipment, such as in Olympic clay target shooting competitions. This book is the fourth volume of Norbert...
49,95 €


Артикульный номер 730799

Eröffnete Jäger-Practica

Eröffnete Jäger-Practica

Heinrich Wilhelm Döbel's Jäger-Practica, published in 1746, is a standard work of hunting literature. This elegant, limited edition is the first reprint of the complete text of the first edition in Fraktur script. It not only represents...
129,00 €


Артикульный номер 730791

Der Repetierer, Band 3

Der Repetierer, Band 3

The Repetierbüchse (bolt action rifle) is the most commonly used hunting weapon for bullet shooting today. It offers high firepower, allows the hunter multiple shots and can be equipped with different stocks. A comparatively low purchase...
49,95 €


Артикульный номер 730798

A Sharpening Handbook

A Sharpening Handbook

Although many books on sharpening have already been published, sharpening has evolved, as Richard D. Wile points out. His book is aimed at beginners and advanced practitioners who want to improve their experience with instructions, new...
35,40 €


Артикульный номер 704076

Японские плотницкие инструменты: Их традиции, дух и способности

Японские плотницкие инструменты: Их традиции, дух и способности

В 1984 году Тошио Одате написал замечательную книгу "Японские инструменты для обработки дерева: Их традиции, дух и применение", и она мгновенно стала классикой. Это была первая книга, представившая миру инструменты, мастерство, традиции...
89,00 €


Артикульный номер 730790

Tipps für die Oberfräse

Tipps für die Oberfräse

Richard Wagner provides you with 150 tried-and-tested ideas for accessories for routers and their many possible applications. For a quick overview, symbols indicate the field of application and other possible uses. A treasure trove of...
14,99 €


Артикульный номер 714624

Wild grillen

Wild grillen

This elegantly designed book with the most beautiful culinary photographs is the winner of the Gourmand Awards »Best Barbecue Book in the World« and »Best Barbecue Book Deutschland 2014«. It has also been awarded the silver medal of the...
24,99 €


Артикульный номер 731666

Grimms Wildkochbuch

Grimms Wildkochbuch

Honest, regional food from animals that have been able to meet their needs and follow their instincts in freedom - that is the philosophy of hunter and game food blogger Fabian Grimm. This game cookbook shows that you do not have to be a...
30,00 €


Артикульный номер 731667

Leder, Felle & Pelze selbst gerben

Leder, Felle & Pelze selbst gerben

The processing of hides and skins is one of the oldest cultural techniques of mankind. Today, mainly chemicals are used, but traditionally tanning was done with plant extracts, smoke and fat to make the skins durable and soft. This book...
32,00 €


Артикульный номер 731669



The subject of this book is practical, traditional boat building with wood. Curt W. Eichler describes in great detail the construction of the individual components, their manufacture and assembly. More than 400 sketches illustrate the...
29,95 €


Артикульный номер 731670

Schubladen und Türen

Schubladen und Türen

Well-designed and carefully built drawers and furniture doors turn a good piece of furniture into a very good piece. While it is relatively easy to build a furniture carcass, it is difficult to build drawers that run well, as well as...
38,00 €


Артикульный номер 731664

Nützlinge im Garten - anlocken, ansiedeln, einsetzen

Nützlinge im Garten - anlocken, ansiedeln, einsetzen

Everyone is talking about colony collapse disorder and the decline in the population of native insects and bird species due to the destruction of traditional habitats. Our gardens can offer a substitute habitat and refuge, and every...
9,99 €


Артикульный номер 731665

Der Kosmos - Baumführer

Der Kosmos - Baumführer

The standard reference work for identifying the 315 most important Central European tree species contains an impressive and unique combination of colour photos and drawings. In addition to the photos of the growth habit and bark,...
20,00 €


Артикульный номер 731671

Das Biogarten Praxisbuch

Das Biogarten Praxisbuch

Cultivating vegetables and fruit in harmony with nature not only yields a lot of appetising food, but also opens the eyes to many a connection between the plant and animal world, the earth, the cosmos and humankind. With the help of many...
18,95 €


Артикульный номер 721072

Richtig gut gärtnern

Richtig gut gärtnern

This practical book is full of gardening ideas and offers an easy introduction to the basics of gardening. The Royal Horticultural Society team explains everything you need to know about garden design. The book covers topics such as soil...
24,95 €


Артикульный номер 721076

Grünes Gartenwissen, Ökologisch gärtnern

Grünes Gartenwissen, Ökologisch gärtnern

An environmentally friendly, natural garden promotes biodiversity and contributes to climate protection. With the expertise and garden ideas contained in this guide, anyone can create a sustainable garden that is good for the planet and...
12,95 €


Артикульный номер 721075

The Workbench Book

The Workbench Book

First published in 1987, »The Workbench Book« by Scott Landis is still the most comprehensive book about the main tools in the woodworking workshop. A richly illustrated guide to the world's best workbenches, from the traditional Shaker...
48,00 €


Артикульный номер 713558

Richtig drechseln

Richtig drechseln

Basic introduction to woodturning. In addition to everything worth knowing about materials and tools, the author describes the different woodturning techniques in detail. He demonstrates these techniques clearly and with many...
28,00 €


Артикульный номер 715428

Mein Selbstversorger-Garten am Stadtrand

Mein Selbstversorger-Garten am Stadtrand

It is amazing what can be grown and how much food can be harvested on a plot of only 700 square metres. The author shows how the principles of permaculture can be successfully applied in practice, even in a small garden. Using his plot...
16,95 €


Артикульный номер 715429

Mein kleiner Permakultur-Garten

Mein kleiner Permakultur-Garten

If you want to harvest a lot of vegetables and fruit all year round in a small garden, you cannot avoid managing the limited plot very well and growing productive, sustainable and aesthetically pleasing crops. The design concept of...
16,95 €


Артикульный номер 715497

Spalierobst im Hausgarten

Spalierobst im Hausgarten

Plant walls, hedges, carports and pergolas. Growing fruit on trellises not only gives your garden an attractive and individual look, it also allows you to cultivate numerous types of fruit in a small area and enjoy plenty of fresh fruit...
16,95 €


Артикульный номер 715498

The Stick Chair Book

The Stick Chair Book

At first glance, it looks like you have to get special wood from the forest, buy a bunch of exotic tools, master a lot of crazy angles and learn high-tolerance carpentry to build a chair that is comfortable, stable and looks like a...
52,70 €


Артикульный номер 715499

Sharpen This

Sharpen This

If you want to be a better woodworker, you need to learn to sharpen. If you want to be a better sharpener, you need to stop paying so much attention to tertiary bevels and carbide formations in steel, and start paying attention to the...
18,90 €


Артикульный номер 730546

Jagdzubehör selber bauen

Jagdzubehör selber bauen

Engineer and passionate hunter Anton Schmid has been working for years on an uncomplicated way to construct raised hides, paying special attention to stability and safety during construction. »Jagdzubehör selber bauen« is a guidebook for...
18,00 €


Артикульный номер 730544

Woodworking Joinery by Hand

Woodworking Joinery by Hand

»Woodworking Joinery by Hand: Innovative Techniques Using Japanese Saws and Jigs« is a ground-breaking woodworking book that introduces a new twist on the traditional hand-cut methods of joint making. With Sugita’s unique method of...
32,00 €


Артикульный номер 714717

Der Jungjägerguide

Der Jungjägerguide

Budding young hunters usually have similar questions when starting out: Which type of training makes sense for me? Do different types of training have advantages or even disadvantages? How do I get to know other hunters in my hunting...
24,95 €


Артикульный номер 715037

Schalen schnitzen

Schalen schnitzen

Carving bowls is an enriching way to create individual and attractive wooden bowls with your own hands and only a limited number of hand tools. Working with fresh, undried wood (green wood) gives beginners and advanced craftsmen an...
32,00 €


Артикульный номер 731823

Einfach scharf »Sharpen This«

Einfach scharf »Sharpen This«

If you want to be a better woodworker, you need to learn to sharpen. If you want to be a better sharpener, you need to stop paying so much attention to tertiary bevels and carbide formations in steel, and start paying attention to the...
18,00 €


Артикульный номер 731824

Kochlust und Jagdpassion - Ein Kochbuch für heimisches Wildbret

Kochlust und Jagdpassion - Ein Kochbuch für heimisches Wildbret

Culinary passion and hunting fervour merge here into an inspiring delight. Creative, diverse, and tailored to the months of the hunting season, the authors have crafted twelve menus featuring select game recipes that entice you to try...
29,90 €


Артикульный номер 715000

Vom Jagdhund zum Jagdgefährten

Vom Jagdhund zum Jagdgefährten

High demands are placed on the training of hunting dogs, as a well-trained dog is an irreplaceable companion during the hunt. However, the perception of the dog within the family pack and the approach to dog training have changed. Today,...
24,90 €


Артикульный номер 715001

Frisches Holz

Frisches Holz

Working with green, or fresh, wood is an old rural tradition that is being rediscovered today. The basic idea is to work with the wood and nature, not against it. Part of the required tools are also made from wood, such as a shaving...
29,00 €


Артикульный номер 731833

Wilde Kanten, starke Möbel

Wilde Kanten, starke Möbel

Live-edge furniture is fascinating because each piece is unique, as no two trees are alike! In this easy-to-follow guide, you will first learn techniques for planing, drying and preparing your own wood board, as well as recessing inlays...
22,00 €


Артикульный номер 760208



»Karvsnitt« describes techniques for carving triangle chips, fingernail cuts, lines, and letters. You will also discover which types of wood, knives and tools you need to get started and how to paint your finished work. The book offers...
43,00 €


Артикульный номер 760209



Handgeschnitzt! is an inspiring introduction to carving with fresh wood (greenwood). Simple, functional, and colourful wooden objects are created with a knife and an axe. The author follows the tradition of Slöjd, a collective term for...
25,00 €


Артикульный номер 731835

Магнитные войлочные губки, 100 мм

Magnetic Felt Jaws, Pair

Защитите поверхность зажимаемых деталей магнитными войлочными губками. С помощью магнитов крепления на задней стороне войлока их можно быстро и легко прикрепить к стальным челюстям стандартных тисков. Эти войлочные губки необходимы для...
11,90 €


Артикульный номер 714243

84 от 85