Cuisine / Livres de cuisine

Bock auf Wild - Wildrezepte authentisch und lecker

Bock auf Wild - Wildrezepte authentisch und lecker

The ultimate cookbook for hunters and game lovers. Game is sustainable because it is produced regionally and seasonally, and it promises healthy and unadulterated indulgence. Be inspired by authentic game cuisine and get out into nature...
25,00 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 730794

Die Kunst des Schneidens

Die Kunst des Schneidens

In this book, Japanese master chefs share and reveal their secrets about how to cleverly prepare fish and vegetables - the cornerstones of Japanese cuisine. Suitable for professionals and ambitious amateur chefs, this book will fascinate...
39,90 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 710048

Effilee, das Magazin für Essen und Leben - Heft #64, Frühjahr 2023

Effilee, das Magazin für Essen und Leben

This magazine is only available in German.
9,80 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 990092

Messer - Handwerk und Kultur des Küchenmessers

Messer - Handwerk und Kultur des Küchenmessers

Au travers de ses échanges avec des forgeurs de couteaux, des chefs cuisiniers et des collectionneurs, le journaliste culinaire Tin Hayward explore le monde des couteaux : leur design, leur fabrication et leur signification dans les...
28,00 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 714344

Grimms Wildkochbuch

Grimms Wildkochbuch

Honest, regional food from animals that have been able to meet their needs and follow their instincts in freedom - that is the philosophy of hunter and game food blogger Fabian Grimm. This game cookbook shows that you do not have to be a...
30,00 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 731667

Wild grillen

Wild grillen

This elegantly designed book with the most beautiful culinary photographs is the winner of the Gourmand Awards »Best Barbecue Book in the World« and »Best Barbecue Book Deutschland 2014«. It has also been awarded the silver medal of the...
24,99 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 731666

Das Wildkochbuch - Wildrezepte mit allerlei aus Wald und Wiese

Das Wildkochbuch - Wildrezepte mit allerlei aus Wald und Wiese

In the game cookbook by HALALI editor Ilka Dorn, the passionate hunter shows that game is in season all year round. Enjoy 80 versatile game recipes with all kinds of foraged delicacies from forest and meadow. Accompany the author through...
39,95 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 731663

Wildküche - Einfache und schmackhafte Rezepte für das Beste aus Wald und Feld

Wildküche - Einfache und schmackhafte Rezepte für das Beste...

»Wildküche« is a recipe book for amateur chefs, hunters, connoisseurs and anyone who wants to rediscover game dishes. The book shows how this organic and sustainable meat can be prepared in a versatile and, above all, tasty way - in...
35,00 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 731695