Скульптура / резьба

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Schalen schnitzen

Schalen schnitzen

Carving bowls is an enriching way to create individual and attractive wooden bowls with your own hands and only a limited number of hand tools. Working with fresh, undried wood (green wood) gives beginners and advanced craftsmen an...
32,00 €


Артикульный номер 731823

Slöjd in Wood

Slöjd in Wood

Следуйте за Йогге Сунквистом в мир традиционной шведской резьбы "Слёйд", согласно которой предметы быта изготавливаются из простых инструментов и материалов. "Slöjd in Wood" - первый английский перевод шведской классики Ёгге Сандквиста....
41,00 €


Артикульный номер 714391



Handgeschnitzt! is an inspiring introduction to carving with fresh wood (greenwood). With a knife and an axe, simple, functional, and colourful wooden objects are created. The author follows the tradition of Slöjd, a collective term for...
25,00 €


Артикульный номер 731835

Просто резьба

Просто резьба

Селина Муар отправит вас в путешествие в мир резьбы по дереву, и вы будете впечатлены увлекательным ремеслом, с помощью которого вы сможете создавать красивые предметы, которые можно будет использовать в повседневной жизни. Эта книга -...
19,95 €


Артикульный номер 714393

Kleine Schnitzereien

Kleine Schnitzereien

Carving green wood - on the go and anywhere. A small carving knife is enough to carve replicas of the 18 green wood projects described in the book. Whether spoons, tools, animal heads, miniatures, flutes - you can find the material you...
19,00 €


Артикульный номер 713763

Grundkurs Schnitzen

Grundkurs Schnitzen

This in-depth technical book guides ambitious carvers from simple relief work to complex sculpted figures. The author pays particular attention to designs suitable for the workpiece and the anatomy of humans and animals.
29,90 €


Артикульный номер 713358

Einfach selbst schnitzen! Löffel, Schalen, Kämme

Einfach selbst schnitzen! Löffel, Schalen, Kämme

In over 300 step-by-step illustrations, this book will teach you the ancient technique of carving wood and making simple workpieces by yourself. An abundance of pictures shows the making of various wooden objects such as ladles, salad...
19,90 €


Артикульный номер 713930

Kerbschnitzen - Schritt für Schritt erklärt

Kerbschnitzen - Schritt für Schritt erklärt

Many people who enjoy working with wood have made chip carving their hobby. This book guides both practised carvers and novices alike from traditional carving with a chip carving knife to carving with a sculptor’s gouge, which allows...
19,90 €


Артикульный номер 713109

Holz! Schnitzen - Traditionell und Urban

Holz! Schnitzen - Traditionell und Urban

This book will inspire the reader to create stylish carvings they can be proud of. Max Bainbridge introduces the few key tools that are necessary for carving. It is best to start with a simple tablespoon or cooking spoon and slotted...
28,00 €


Артикульный номер 713085

Kerbschnitzen - Das große Werkbuch!

Kerbschnitzen - Das große Werkbuch!

From simple pattern to elaborate ornament, the reader is guided step by step through the decoration of different workpieces using the chip carving techniques and the correct carving of letters or fonts. The sharpening of tools and their...
19,90 €


Артикульный номер 714360

Carving the Acanthus Leaf

Carving the Acanthus Leaf

The book about how to carve the acanthus leaf, a cornerstone of Western ornamentation for thousands of years. The author explores carving tools and sharpening with the efficiency of someone who has taught for years. Then she plunges the...
50,10 €


Артикульный номер 714374

Schnell geschnitzt - Lustige Figuren in 20 Minuten

Schnell geschnitzt - Lustige Figuren in 20 Minuten

In this book you will find eighteen small carving projects that each only take 20 minutes to complete. The author teaches the necessary techniques, including painting or varnishing, and gives safety instructions and advice on which wood...
9,95 €


Артикульный номер 714422

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