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Woodturning - Spindle Turning

On the first day we will start by getting acquainted with the lathe, its structure, the...
We will work in small groups with intensive tutoring. Each participant will work at an individual lathe. You will have the possibility to test our whole range of woodturning tools and accessories.
Spindle turning:
Here, the wood fibres run parallel to the spindle axis. You clamp the workpiece either with a spur driver and the revolving centre or with a chuck.
On the first day we will start by getting acquainted with the lathe, its structure, the accessories as well as the jigs and clamps for spindle turning. This will be followed by an introduction into the basic required tools for spindle turning, such as roughing-out gouge, deep fluted gouge, parting tool, and chisel. We will practice handling and guiding hands-on, using simple workpieces in various types of wood. The participants will also be shown in detail how to sharpen tools at the bench grinder and the Tormek using different sharpening systems. They will have the opportunity to test the sharpening tools on the spot. On the next day, you will learn how to sharpen hook tools, scraper blades, and ring tools while working on either a jar or an end grain vessel or turning wood spheres. You can alternatively work on your own ideas.
    Здесь находится подробная информация о руководителе курса

    Thomas Steindl

    The creative master cabinetmaker is especially interested in a natural processing of beautiful wood material. Various further trainings help him to permanently develop and expand his art and handicraft repertoire. He has a passion for constructing traditional longbows and artistic woodturning in various ways, especially using green wood.Thomas Steindl

    Здесь находится подробная информация о месте проведения курса

    KURSORT Niederalteich

    Eine Oase des traditionellen Handwerks!

    Nur ca. 15 Autominuten vom Stammhaus in Plattling entfernt, verkehrsgünstig an der Autobahn A3 Richtung Passau gelegen, bietet sie ideale Voraussetzungen für ungestörtes, kreatives Arbeiten.

    Die ehemalige Stallung der Abtei Niederalteich ist mit

    • Bankraum,
    • Drechselwerkstatt,
    • Schärfraum,
    • Maschinenraum,
    • Küche und Sanitärräumen bestens gerüstet.


    St. Ursulaweg 19
    94557 Niederalteich

    Weitere Infos zum Kursort Niederalteich
    Здесь описаны впечатления


    Eindrücke vom Workshop - Langholz Drechseln Intensivkurs

    Entdecken Sie in unserer Bildergalerie Eindrücke vom Workshop. Alle Aufnahmen wurden in den jeweiligen Workshops in vergangenen Terminen erstellt.

    Einblicke in vergangene Workshops

    • Исходное условие Нет.
    • Длительность курса 2 дня
    • Указание zzgl. Material (ab 20 €), kann auch von den Teilnehmern mitgebracht werden.
    • Число участников 6
    • Язык курса Немецкий
    • Руководитель курса Thomas Steindl
    • Course Time 9.00 - 18.00 Uhr
    • Datum 06.12 - 07.12
    • Место проведения семинара St.-Ursulaweg 19, 94557 Niederalteich
    Номер курса KU1422205
    369,00 € на участника

    с НДС

    Additional course dates available on request - our lines are open Monday till Friday, from 8 am to 7 pm by telephone on +49 (0)9931 4058-981 or via email to workshop@dictum.com
    Много дальнейших вариантов
    Kursnummer Beginn Ende Ort Цена  
    Номер курса: KU1422402
    Начало: 24.06.2024
    Конец: 25.06.2024
    Город: Niederalteich
    Цена: 389,00 €
    Номер курса: KU1422405
    Начало: 03.09.2024
    Конец: 04.09.2024
    Город: Niederalteich
    Цена: 389,00 €
    Номер курса: KU1422407
    Начало: 14.10.2024
    Конец: 15.10.2024
    Город: München
    Цена: 389,00 €
    Номер курса: KU1422406
    Начало: 28.10.2024
    Конец: 29.10.2024
    Город: Niederalteich
    Цена: 389,00 €
    Номер курса: KU1422408
    Начало: 09.12.2024
    Конец: 10.12.2024
    Город: München
    Цена: 389,00 €