Handbuch Oberfräse - Auswählen, bedienen, beherrschen

Includes DVD

Handbuch Oberfräse - Auswählen, bedienen, beherrschen
In this book, journalist and master carpenter Guido Henn explains step by step everything you...
In this book, journalist and master carpenter Guido Henn explains step by step everything you need to know about routers. In a clear and accessible style, he presents various models, guides you through choosing the right cutter and explains how to operate and maintain your equipment. Henn also focuses on the many possibilities of making templates, jigs and fixtures and of stationary use, which afford the craftsman countless ways of working. Many of the techniques, e.g. cutting dovetails, are also demonstrated on an accompanying DVD.
    Plus d'informations sur le fabricant


    Acheter des produits Sonstige en ligne chez DICTUM.
    • Pages 277
    • Relié Couverture rigide
    • Illustration illustrated throughout in colour
    • Format 235 x 280 mm
    • Langue German
    • Editeur Guido Henn
    N° art. 713532
    Marque -
    Expédition immédiate, délai de livraison : 2 à 4 jours en Allemagne
    48,00 € par pièce(s)

    Prix T.T.C


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