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Schmieden - Techniken, Werkzeuge, Projekte

Schmieden - Techniken, Werkzeuge, Projekte

The award-winning blacksmith Robert Thomas presents the most important tools and techniques that every modern blacksmith should know. Anyone who would like to turn their interest in forging into a proper hobby will find numerous...
39,90 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 714394

Messerscharfe Kunst - Mit dem Amboss per Du

Messerscharfe Kunst - Mit dem Amboss per Du

Ce livre vous plonge dans l´univers de la forge Kilian Kreutz. Vous y découvrez l´art ancestral de la forge au marteau, enclume, feu et braises rouges.
19,90 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 714346

Messerklingen und Stahl

Messerklingen und Stahl

Technological observations on knife blades, by Roman Landes. With this in-depth technical book on metallurgy and factors affecting sharpness and durability, Roman Landes sheds light on the mysteries of blade alchemy. As well as types of...
39,80 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 713166

Das Buch vom Schmieden - Alle Techniken!

Das Buch vom Schmieden - Alle Techniken!

This comprehensive work on the art of smithing gives a deep insight into all kinds of techniques of this ancient handicraft. The author not only explains how tools and basic everyday objects were made in the past, but also how they are...
24,90 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 713062

Japanische Schmiedekunst

Japanische Schmiedekunst

For the first time, a reference book explains the traditional methods of Japanese tool, knife and sword makers and gives an insight into their workshops. Richly illustrated with ten typical examples from razors to swords, the history of...
29,90 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 714369

Schmieden für Anfänger

Schmieden für Anfänger

This book is the perfect introduction to the art of forging. It shows the traditional processes and techniques from a modern perspective. The author explains the classical craft methods such as parting by chiselling and bending, but also...
29,90 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 714370

Schmieden lernen

Schmieden lernen

The ideal textbook for learning to forge from scratch. Descriptions and technical instructions covering the entire forging process. The book describes the construction of a simple forge, continues with the production of the necessary...
29,90 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 714415

Messer machen wie die Profis

Messer machen wie die Profis

This book teaches you how to make your own knife. It starts with a brief introduction to steel and describes the most common handle materials and the required tools. For beginners, the book explains in detail the individual steps...
22,00 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 713004

Messermachen für Anfänger

Messermachen für Anfänger

This volume on workshop practice shows step by step how to make a full- and stick-tang fixed-blade knife. After a brief introduction to steel, it presents the most common handle materials and the required tools. Then the individual work...
24,80 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 713055

Messerbauen für Einsteiger

Messerbauen für Einsteiger

The easy way to get into knife making as a hobby. This book will show you how you can attach a purchased blade to a handle you made yourself. An overview of the topic of knives, their design and the type of bevel used for different...
7,95 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 713041

Das Grosse Buch vom Messer

Das Grosse Buch vom Messer

Le couteau est l'outil le plus fondamental de l´histoire humaine, c'est un objet culturel également irremplaçable dans notre monde moderne. Utile pour de multiples activités quotidiennes, il peut sauver une vie en situation d'urgence....
29,90 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 714345

Damaszener - Zauber der wilden Klingen

Damaszener - Zauber der wilden Klingen

Le livre » Damaszener - Zauber der wilden Klingen « (Le Damas, magicien des lames sauvages) présente en grand format un grand nombre de couteaux magnifiques. Vous suivez la naissance du couteau, de sa conception jusqu´à sa finalisation,...
39,00 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 714347

Leder, Felle & Pelze selbst gerben

Leder, Felle & Pelze selbst gerben

The processing of hides and skins is one of the oldest cultural techniques of mankind. Today, mainly chemicals are used, but traditionally tanning was done with plant extracts, smoke and fat to make the skins durable and soft. This book...
32,00 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 731669

Leder nähen

Leder nähen

Leather is a strong and versatile material that is easy to work with. This book guides you through the various stages of cutting, stitching and trimming leather. It also shows you how to punch and stretch leather and how to attach snaps,...
12,99 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 713035

Lederarbeiten - Nähen, Flechten, Bearbeiten

Lederarbeiten - Nähen, Flechten, Bearbeiten

The book »Lederarbeiten« is a practical introduction to leather handcraft. The author Michael Gärtner is founder of Lone Wolf, a prestigious brand of handmade leather products in Sweden. This book is aimed at beginners as well as...
14,99 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 713500

Einbetten in Kunstharz

Einbetten in Kunstharz

This fundamental work provides all the professional and detailed information you need to know about cast resin. All techniques and tools are explained step by step. The advantages of resins and related processing methods are discussed...
19,99 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 714390

Lederarbeiten - Taschen, Accessoires und Möbel von Hand fertigen

Lederarbeiten - Taschen, Accessoires und Möbel von Hand fertigen

Leather is one of the most original materials available. In this book, Otis Ingrams explains the art of making exquisite bags, sophisticated furniture and stylish accessories. After an overview of the materials and the most important...
32,00 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 714365

Leder nähen - Neue Projekte

Leder nähen - Neue Projekte

With this follow-up volume, outdoor and bushcraft pro Carsten Bothe delivers new leather projects that can be realised with simple tools and a bit of skilled craftsmanship in a manageable time. With the easy tasks you will quickly...
12,99 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 714475

Leder brennen - Dekorative Lederbrandmalerei

Leder brennen - Dekorative Lederbrandmalerei

Pyrography is the decorative burning of natural materials such as wood, leather, fabric or cork. Michele Y. Parsons is a trained artist and pyrography virtuoso. In her book, she teaches all the important basics of leather pyrography for...
16,99 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 714476

Die kreative Lederwerkstatt

Die kreative Lederwerkstatt

Tools, working techniques, tips, tricks and a wealth of creative design ideas: from spectacles cases to dog leashes, from mobile phone cases to leather sandals and bags. Precise text and photo instructions lead you through the creation...
24,00 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 714482

Frisches Holz

Frisches Holz

Working with green, or fresh, wood is an old rural tradition that is being rediscovered today. The basic idea is to work with the wood and nature, not against it. Part of the required tools are also made from wood, such as a shaving...
29,00 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 731833

Spalierobst im Hausgarten

Spalierobst im Hausgarten

Plant walls, hedges, carports and pergolas. Growing fruit on trellises not only gives your garden an attractive and individual look, it also allows you to cultivate numerous types of fruit in a small area and enjoy plenty of fresh fruit...
16,95 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 715498

Mein kleiner Permakultur-Garten

Mein kleiner Permakultur-Garten

If you want to harvest a lot of vegetables and fruit all year round in a small garden, you cannot avoid managing the limited plot very well and growing productive, sustainable and aesthetically pleasing crops. The design concept of...
16,95 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 715497

Mein Selbstversorger-Garten am Stadtrand

Mein Selbstversorger-Garten am Stadtrand

It is amazing what can be grown and how much food can be harvested on a plot of only 700 square metres. The author shows how the principles of permaculture can be successfully applied in practice, even in a small garden. Using his plot...
16,95 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 715429

Das Biogarten Praxisbuch

Das Biogarten Praxisbuch

Cultivating vegetables and fruit in harmony with nature not only yields a lot of appetising food, but also opens the eyes to many a connection between the plant and animal world, the earth, the cosmos and humankind. With the help of many...
18,95 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 721072

Richtig gut gärtnern

Richtig gut gärtnern

This practical book is full of gardening ideas and offers an easy introduction to the basics of gardening. The Royal Horticultural Society team explains everything you need to know about garden design. The book covers topics such as soil...
24,95 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 721076

Grünes Gartenwissen, Ökologisch gärtnern

Grünes Gartenwissen, Ökologisch gärtnern

An environmentally friendly, natural garden promotes biodiversity and contributes to climate protection. With the expertise and garden ideas contained in this guide, anyone can create a sustainable garden that is good for the planet and...
12,95 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 721075

Nützlinge im Garten - anlocken, ansiedeln, einsetzen

Nützlinge im Garten - anlocken, ansiedeln, einsetzen

Everyone is talking about colony collapse disorder and the decline in the population of native insects and bird species due to the destruction of traditional habitats. Our gardens can offer a substitute habitat and refuge, and every...
9,99 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 731665

Holz verwenden im eigenen Garten

Holz verwenden im eigenen Garten

Garden maintenance includes sowing, planting, weeding, etc., but you also want to design your garden according to your very own wishes. Above all, boundaries and paths are needed to make ideal use of this habitat. These are not expensive...
16,90 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 715019

Grundkurs Bonsai

Grundkurs Bonsai

Trimming trees to their best: Make unique mini trees look like the big ones. This beginners’ book explains how. It introduces the reader to the basics and techniques of bonsai and explains the different forms of cultivation, the...
14,95 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 714411



For »bushcrafters« it is important to be able to make as much as possible from natural materials. Especially in the field of outdoor cooking, it is possible to produce a complete kitchen equipment with cutlery, cooking utensils, ovens,...
29,90 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 714406

Vogel-Futterplätze - einfach aus Weide flechten

Vogel-Futterplätze - einfach aus Weide flechten

The author gives an illustrated description on how natural bird feeders can be woven from willow rods using the classical techniques of basket weaving. You do not need previous experience in basket weaving. The projects are listed...
16,95 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 714384

Einfach mähen mit der Sense

Einfach mähen mit der Sense

Le fauchage à la faux connaît un regain d'attractivité. Quiconque a appris à utiliser cet outil ancestral sait le plaisir que procure l'activité physique du fauchage en plein air. L'auteur donne des conseils et des astuces pour bien...
16,95 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 713894

Grundkurs Obstbaumschnitt

Grundkurs Obstbaumschnitt

Only fruit trees that are pruned properly and regularly guarantee a healthy and tasty harvest year after year. This book is designed for hobby gardeners who want clear and concise information about what is important when pruning fruit...
15,95 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 713540

Winterschnitt von Obst- und Ziergehölzen

Winterschnitt von Obst- und Ziergehölzen

A proper winter pruning will result in beautiful growth and abundant harvest. The ABC - Apple, Birch, Cherry - guide to all common fruit and ornamental trees with explicit pruning instructions, descriptions of growth forms and reactions...
9,90 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 713933

Pflanzen veredeln


The technique of grafting produces particularly robust and high-yield fruit trees, grafted roses combine beauty and resilience. Grafting is a fascinating challenge for any garden lover, and this practical book explains all you need to...
9,95 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 713995

Bauen mit Frischholz


Trellis, arbours - fresh green wood is the ideal material for making useful and attractive garden objects with simple tools and in a jiffy. The author shows step by step and with many practical tips how to create planters, trellises,...
16,95 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 713687

Alles über Gehölzschnitt - Ziergehölz-, Obst- und Formschnitt

Alles über Gehölzschnitt - Ziergehölz-, Obst- und Formschnitt

Excellent growth habit, glorious blooms and a rich crop of fruit - that is the dream of every garden owner. This reference book about pruning helps you professionally shape your deciduous trees and conifers, ornamental bushes, climbing...
32,00 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 713088

Mein ungezähmter Garten

Mein ungezähmter Garten

If you like having a bit of wild in your garden and you enjoy surprises in your flower bed, you will certainly love those plants that other people carefully avoid. The 100 best native plants for naturalisation are presented in this book....
29,90 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 714363

The Heritage Post, das Magazin für Herrenkultur

The Heritage Post, das Magazin für Herrenkultur

The Heritage Post - No. 43 n'est disponible qu'en langue allemande.
14,90 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 990109

Ideenbuch Insektenhotels

Ideenbuch Insektenhotels

Building insect hotels is not difficult, but will they be populated? The expert Melanie von Orlow knows exactly what the hearts of wild bees, etc. desire. From a hotel in a bucket (made within an hour!) to a romantic lodge, you will find...
14,95 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 714421

Hochbeet - Frisches Gemüse das ganze Jahr

Hochbeet - Frisches Gemüse das ganze Jahr

You would like to grow vegetables, but have only a little space on your balcony, terrace or in the garden? Then a raised bed is just the thing for you! The practical gardening book by YouTube star Huw Richards shows you how to create a...
19,95 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 714420

Pflanzenschnitt super einfach

Pflanzenschnitt super einfach

This book provides all the basics about ornamental and fruit tree pruning and answers the most important questions: Which pruning techniques can I use? When is the right time to prune? Which tools should I use? What to do with diseased...
12,95 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 714464

Jagdzubehör selber bauen

Jagdzubehör selber bauen

Engineer and passionate hunter Anton Schmid has been working for years on an uncomplicated way to construct raised hides, paying special attention to stability and safety during construction. »Jagdzubehör selber bauen« is a guidebook for...
18,00 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 730544

Eröffnete Jäger-Practica

Eröffnete Jäger-Practica

Heinrich Wilhelm Döbel's Jäger-Practica, published in 1746, is a standard work of hunting literature. This elegant, limited edition is the first reprint of the complete text of the first edition in Fraktur script. It not only represents...
129,00 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 730791

Der Drilling, Band 1

Der Drilling, Band 1

The Drilling (side by side shotgun, with rifle barrel centred below the smoothbores) is a universal weapon ensuring the hunter always has the right weapon by their side. This volume, in an elegant slipcase, offers everything worth...
49,95 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 730796

Die Doppelbüchse, Band 2

Die Doppelbüchse, Band 2

The Doppelbüchse (side by side shotgun-rifle) is the traditional rifle for driven hunts. Its big advantage is having a second shot available immediately. The elegant rifle is therefore used all over the world, especially for hunting...
49,95 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 730797

Der Repetierer, Band 3

Der Repetierer, Band 3

The Repetierbüchse (bolt action rifle) is the most commonly used hunting weapon for bullet shooting today. It offers high firepower, allows the hunter multiple shots and can be equipped with different stocks. A comparatively low purchase...
49,95 €

T.T.C. + frais de port

N° art. 730798

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