Make a Joint Stool from a Tree

Make a Joint Stool from a Tree
Made from riven oak and assembled without glue, these joint stools are an iconic piece of British...
Made from riven oak and assembled without glue, these joint stools are an iconic piece of British and early American furniture. Step by step, you will learn traditional and almost forgotten techniques and methods, from splitting open a log in the woods all the way through to the finished stool. This book covers every step, including selecting the log, splitting it with a splitting knife and wedge, creating mouldings and turning parts on a pole lathe. An inspiring historical depiction of joinery.
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    Acheter des produits Sonstige en ligne chez DICTUM.
    • Pages 115
    • Relié hardcover
    • Illustration illustrations en couleurs sur chaque page
    • Format 312 x 238 mm
    • Langue Anglais
    • Editeur Jannie Alexander, Peter Follansbee
    N° art. 713946
    Marque -
    33,50 € 29,90 € par pièce(s)

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    Make a Joint Stool from a Tree
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