Japanmesser schärfen

Japanmesser schärfen
Everything you ever wanted to know about sharpening Japanese knives: Step by step and with...
Everything you ever wanted to know about sharpening Japanese knives: Step by step and with numerous illustrations, expert Dr. Rudolf Dick explains an exact and practical sharpening technique. This book also helps you select the correct sharpening stones and details the special characteristics of Japanese knives. Important practical tips for care and correct application complete this comprehensive work.
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    Acheter des produits Sonstige en ligne chez DICTUM.
    • Pages 125
    • Relié Couverture rigide
    • Illustration illustrated throughout in colour
    • Format 165 x 235 mm
    • Langue German
    • Editeur Rudolf Dick
    N° art. 713920
    Marque -
    Expédition immédiate, délai de livraison : 2 à 4 jours en Allemagne
    19,90 € par pièce(s)

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    Japanmesser schärfen
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