Dovetail Joints - Basic Course

Dovetail Joints - Basic Course
The dovetail joint is a traditional and very versatile corner joint for drawers and furniture...
Online course
After your booking has been successfully processed by our customer service, you will receive an access link by e-mail which allows you to attend the workshop online on our course platform.
The dovetail joint is a traditional and very versatile corner joint for drawers and furniture carcasses. In this course, we will explain how to mark out and cut the more basic through dovetails by hand, before moving on to half-blind dovetails. For this, we will be focussing on the traditional German design method that is still taught in the cabinetmaking trade today. This course is aimed at woodworkers with good basic knowledge in the use of hand tools, who want to explore dovetail joint making or refresh their skills.
We recommend the following tools:
  • Chisel set, 6 to 26 mm
  • Hammer or mallet
  • Fine-tooth saw
  • Marking tools: marking gauge, square, sliding bevel, ruler and pencil

For practising, we recommend the following solid wood/glued wood:
Width: 80 mm to 150 mm
Thickness: 15 mm to 25 mm
Length: from 150 mm
You can use any type of wood (e.g. pine, alder or beech). When preparing for a particular project, it is advisable to use the same wood for practising on as you will for the subsequent workpiece.
    Tutaj znajdziesz więcej informacji o prowadzącym

    Matthias Freymadl

    Boat builder Matthias Freymadl learned his craft in a boatyard on Lake Chiem in Bavaria. He graduated from the Academy of Design & Crafts in Munich with a Master Award. Matthias has been working at Dictum for several years.Matthias Freymadl

    Tutaj znajdziesz więcej informacji o lokalizacji kursu
    Tutaj znajdziesz wspomnienia z kursów
    • Kursdauer The learning content prepared for the online course is presented in detail with numerous illustrations and tables on 43 pages, and in videos with a total playing time of more than 70 minutes. Course documentation can be downloaded and completes the course offer. You will have six months to work through this content at your desired pace.
    • Język kursu English
    • Prowadzący Matthias Freymadl
    • Seminarort Online course
    Numer kursu KU317OE
    49,00 € na uczestnika

    z VAT

    Wiele innych wariantów
    Kursnummer Beginn Ende Ort Cena  
    Numer kursu: KU317OE
    Miejscowość: Online
    Cena: 49,00 €