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Frisches Holz

Frisches Holz

Working with green, or fresh, wood is an old rural tradition that is being rediscovered today. The basic idea is to work with the wood and nature, not against it. Part of the required tools are also made from wood, such as a shaving...
29,00 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 731833

Spalierobst im Hausgarten

Spalierobst im Hausgarten

Plant walls, hedges, carports and pergolas. Growing fruit on trellises not only gives your garden an attractive and individual look, it also allows you to cultivate numerous types of fruit in a small area and enjoy plenty of fresh fruit...
16,95 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 715498

Mein kleiner Permakultur-Garten

Mein kleiner Permakultur-Garten

If you want to harvest a lot of vegetables and fruit all year round in a small garden, you cannot avoid managing the limited plot very well and growing productive, sustainable and aesthetically pleasing crops. The design concept of...
16,95 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 715497

Mein Selbstversorger-Garten am Stadtrand

Mein Selbstversorger-Garten am Stadtrand

It is amazing what can be grown and how much food can be harvested on a plot of only 700 square metres. The author shows how the principles of permaculture can be successfully applied in practice, even in a small garden. Using his plot...
16,95 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 715429

Das Biogarten Praxisbuch

Das Biogarten Praxisbuch

Cultivating vegetables and fruit in harmony with nature not only yields a lot of appetising food, but also opens the eyes to many a connection between the plant and animal world, the earth, the cosmos and humankind. With the help of many...
18,95 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 721072

Richtig gut gärtnern

Richtig gut gärtnern

This practical book is full of gardening ideas and offers an easy introduction to the basics of gardening. The Royal Horticultural Society team explains everything you need to know about garden design. The book covers topics such as soil...
24,95 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 721076

Grünes Gartenwissen, Ökologisch gärtnern

Grünes Gartenwissen, Ökologisch gärtnern

An environmentally friendly, natural garden promotes biodiversity and contributes to climate protection. With the expertise and garden ideas contained in this guide, anyone can create a sustainable garden that is good for the planet and...
12,95 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 721075

Nützlinge im Garten - anlocken, ansiedeln, einsetzen

Nützlinge im Garten - anlocken, ansiedeln, einsetzen

Everyone is talking about colony collapse disorder and the decline in the population of native insects and bird species due to the destruction of traditional habitats. Our gardens can offer a substitute habitat and refuge, and every...
9,99 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 731665

Holz verwenden im eigenen Garten

Holz verwenden im eigenen Garten

Garden maintenance includes sowing, planting, weeding, etc., but you also want to design your garden according to your very own wishes. Above all, boundaries and paths are needed to make ideal use of this habitat. These are not expensive...
16,90 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 715019

Grundkurs Bonsai

Grundkurs Bonsai

Árboles reducidos al máximo: Haga que los mini árboles únicos se parezcan a los grandes. Este libro actual para principiantes explica cómo hacerlo. Se muestran los fundamentos y técnicas de la educación del bonsái y se introducen las...
14,95 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714411



Para "Bushcrafter" es importante poder hacer todo lo posible con materiales naturales. Especialmente en el área de las cocinas al aire libre, es posible producir un equipo completo de cocina con cubiertos, utensilios de cocina, hornos,...
29,90 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714406

Vogel-Futterplätze - einfach aus Weide flechten

Vogel-Futterplätze - einfach aus Weide flechten

El autor describe con palabras e imágenes cómo los comederos naturales para aves pueden tejerse con cañas de sauce utilizando las técnicas clásicas de tejido de canastas. No se requiere experiencia previa en el tejido de cestas. Todos...
16,95 €

incl. IVA más gastos de envío

Referencia 714384

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