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Der Repetierer, Band 3

Der Repetierer, Band 3

The Repetierbüchse (bolt action rifle) is the most commonly used hunting weapon for bullet shooting today. It offers high firepower, allows the hunter multiple shots and can be equipped with different stocks. A comparatively low purchase...
€ 49.95

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商品编号 730798

Die Flinte, Band 4

Die Flinte, Band 4

The Flinte (shotgun) is the most widely used hunting weapon in the world. Yet the shotgun also makes a very useful piece of sports equipment, such as in Olympic clay target shooting competitions. This book is the fourth volume of Norbert...
€ 49.95

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商品编号 730799



对于许多世代的猎人来说,Walter Frevert的作品一直是所有狩猎习俗和狩猎表达问题的标准和指南。无论是在社会狩猎中,还是在 "Schüsseltreiben",或者仅仅是在与绿色公会的其他代表交谈中。有了这本书,无论是没有经验的还是有经验的猎人,在每一种狩猎情况下都会有一个安全的基础。现代化的打猎礼仪,包括重要打猎信号的声音范例。
€ 20.00

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商品编号 730792

Drückjagd - von der perfekten Vorbereitung bis zum Jagdkönig

Drückjagd - von der perfekten Vorbereitung bis zum Jagdkönig

What was the battue in the 1980s is driven hunting today. In contrast to declining small game populations, it is cloven-hoofed game and mainly the sows that have taken over many hunting grounds. However, roe deer, red deer and fallow...
€ 19.99

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商品编号 730795

Das Messerbuch, Outdoor, Jagd- und Freizeitmesser

Das Messerbuch, Outdoor, Jagd- und Freizeitmesser

Knives were one of the first tools to have been invented and have accompanied mankind for thousands of years. Nowadays, there is a wide variety of knife types that have been developed for a wide range of applications. Knife expert Jörg...
€ 25.00

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商品编号 730788



狩猎教育以猎物卫生为终点,猎人和户外专家卡斯滕-博特正是从这里开始,在这本精彩实用的综合手册中为所有猎人提供了成功推销猎物的宝贵建议。本书图文并茂,有大量有用信息和计算实例,记录了从游戏到厨房美食的每一步。 你需要什么设备和工具? 你是如何处理坏球的呢? 獐子和野猪是如何被切割的? 残羹剩饭怎么处理? 有哪些市场? 你是如何确定价格的?...
€ 16.99

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商品编号 729976

Im Wald - Das Bushcraft- und Outdoorhandbuch

Im Wald - Das Bushcraft- und Outdoorhandbuch

This book is about creative working and building with very simple tools in nature. In recent years, the term »Bushcraft« has become established, even outside the Anglo-Saxon-speaking world, to refer to this art or craft of living in the...
€ 14.99

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商品编号 714477

Bock auf Wild - Wildrezepte authentisch und lecker

Bock auf Wild - Wildrezepte authentisch und lecker

The ultimate cookbook for hunters and game lovers. Game is sustainable because it is produced regionally and seasonally, and it promises healthy and unadulterated indulgence. Be inspired by authentic game cuisine and get out into nature...
€ 25.00

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商品编号 730794

Die Kunst des Schneidens

Die Kunst des Schneidens

In this book, Japanese master chefs share and reveal their secrets about how to cleverly prepare fish and vegetables - the cornerstones of Japanese cuisine. Suitable for professionals and ambitious amateur chefs, this book will fascinate...
€ 39.90

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商品编号 710048

Effilee, das Magazin für Essen und Leben - Heft #53, Sommer 2020

Effilee, das Magazin für Essen und Leben

€ 9.80

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商品编号 990092

Messer - Handwerk und Kultur des Küchenmessers

Messer - Handwerk und Kultur des Küchenmessers

Interacting with knifesmiths, chefs, and collectors, the food journalist Tim Hayward explores the world of knives: their design, production, and significance in the various cuisines and cultures of the world. Hayward presents over forty...
€ 28.00

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商品编号 714344

Grimms Wildkochbuch

Grimms Wildkochbuch

Honest, regional food from animals that have been able to meet their needs and follow their instincts in freedom - that is the philosophy of hunter and game food blogger Fabian Grimm. This game cookbook shows that you do not have to be a...
€ 30.00

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商品编号 731667

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