Warchal Karneol Strings, Violin 4/4, Set, E Ball

Warchal Karneol Strings, Violin 4/4, Set, E Ball
Synthetic core. Full, mellow and warm tone quality, well-balanced sound.
E high-quality stainless steel wound, ball end.
Synthetic core. Full, mellow and warm tone quality, well-balanced sound.
Warchal Strings
Warchal’s Brilliant, Karneol, Ametyst and Nefrit violin strings are handmade strings of the highest quality. They offer a rich variety of timbres and adjust perfectly to the sound characteristics of your musical instrument.
Our handmade violin strings are comprised of synthetic fibers wrapped with special alloys and metals, including silver. They are impervious to changes of temperature or humidity, and that is why they are excellent at keeping tuning.
    Hier finden Sie weitere Details zum Hersteller
    • 制造商 Warchal®
    • 模型 Karneol
    • 仪器 Violin 4/4
    • Set
    • 厚度 medium
    商品编号 623026
    品牌 Warchal
    准备发货,交货时间约为 2-4 个工作日
    € 39.00 每 set




    类型 价格 数量
    Warchal Karneol Strings, Violin 4/4, Set, E Ball
      € 39.00